Minack Priority Booking and Supporters Membership (2025/2026)
Terms and Conditions
1 Annual membership period
a) Our schemes run from the date on which your membership is purchased and lasts for one full calendar year. (You may defer the start date by calling the Box Office to purchase your membership.)
b) An email address will be necessary to access the full member benefits.
2 Priority Booking
a) Members of the Priority Booking scheme or our full Supporters scheme will have priority booking for many Minack events.
b) For those events, a minimum opportunity of two clear days will be offered to gain tickets, often longer. Please see our website for key dates.
c) Events may go on sale at various times through the season.
d) Not all events will be subject to a Priority Booking option.
e) Tickets will be limited to the capacity of the event and subject to availability and demand. Priority cannot guarantee tickets.
3 Tickets and Seating
a) All tickets are bought subject to the Theatre's Conditions of Sale shown on the website.
b) A member may book priority theatre seats for themselves and up to three other people during the priority period. This concession is for each member’s personal use and cannot be transferred.
4 Membership Cards
Physical Membership Cards are not issued although you may receive an electronic card in due course. Your purchase order number, shown on your membership confirmation-email, identifies you and your scheme. You may be asked to confirm your membership when visiting, attending an event or otherwise when appropriate.
5 Payment
a) Ticket confirmations will be emailed and/or sent via SMS.
b) Tickets cannot be reserved and paid for at a later time.
Supporters only (In addition to above)
6 Tickets and Seating
a) Our normal booking fee or transfer fee is waived when booking tickets.
b) Supporters may request a refund for unwanted tickets or exchange unwanted tickets for a different performance of an event, subject to availability, up to seven clear days (168 hours) before the performance takes place and without incurring extra charges.
c) Transfers to a different performance or event, may incur re-booking charges and different ticket costs, up to 3 hours before the event takes place.
d) Alternatively, Supporters may request a refund for unwanted tickets up to 3 hours before the performance takes place. Refunds are are subject to the individual event and are not guaranteed to be available for all performances. (Customers will be subject to an administration charge for this service.)
7 Free Visitor Entry
a) You may have free entry to visit the Minack for yourself and up to three friends during our normal visiting slots. Advance booking is essential as numbers are limited and at busy times we may not be able to admit you unless you have pre-booked. You can book a visiting slot online or via the box office team on 01736 810181.
b) Membership validation may be requested on arrival.
8 Members Discount
You may claim 10% discount on all purchases in our shop, take-away outlets and café on identification as a member of the current Supporters scheme.